
We count on a growing membership base to support the organization and its activities and you can help our operation by joining us as a stakeholder, sponsor, or partner. Current members of Virginia Clean Cities include concerned and supportive individuals, automakers, auto dealers, trade associations, environmental, energy and health non-profit organizations, educational institutions, and local governments and businesses that support and use American fuels as well as environmentally friendly vehicles and technologies. A full list of current stakeholders can be found here.

As a Clean Cities stakeholder, you will receive direct access to our diverse and large stakeholder base, and access to meetings, trainings, various publications, funding opportunities, and the best information sources available. Please review the membership levels below or download the membership application to determine which level fits your needs best.

membership matrix

We are also willing to discuss additional levels of support and corresponding benefits that fit your particular needs. Contact Alleyn Harned, Executive Director, at (540) 568-8896 or at to discuss how we can help, and how we can work together to move Virginia towards greater energy and economic security, and a cleaner and more diverse transportation future.

Volunteer and Internship Opportunities

Virginia Clean Cities has an office at James Madison University in Harrisonburg, Virginia and we often have volunteer or internship openings. If you are interested, please contact Alleyn Harned, Executive Director, at or at 540-568-8896. Numerous projects are submitted each semester to key university programs. For a list of current projects, click here.

Contact Us

For individual staff contact information, please visit our About Us page.

Harrisonburg Office (Main)
Virginia Clean Cities
1401 Technology Drive
MSC 4115
Harrisonburg, VA 22807
(540) 568-8896 phone
(540) 568-5181 fax

Richmond Office
Virginia Clean Cities
c/o Virginia Department of Mines, Minerals & Energy
Washington Building
1100 Bank Street, 8th Floor
Richmond, VA 23219
(804) 482-1790 phone