Get Ready for the 2024 Clean Heavy-Duty Vehicles (CHDV) Grant Program! The Inflation Reduction Act invests $1 billion to replace existing heavy-duty vehicles with zero-emission vehicles, support zero-emission vehicle infrastructure, and train and develop workers. Under the EPA CHDV Program, the EPA plans to launch a grant program this spring to fund the purchase zero-emission heavy-duty vehicles, with $400 million allocated to projects in communities in air quality nonattainment areas.
The EPA will offer funding to eligible recipients to replace existing non-zero-emission Class 6 and 7 heavy-duty vehicles, including school buses, with Class 6 and 7 zero-emission vehicles. To support zero-emission vehicle adoption and deployment, funding may also be used for: The EPA anticipates this grant funding opportunity will be open for applications through a Notice of Funding Opportunity released soon. Here’s what you can do to get ready for submitting an application under this resource: 1. Initiate Discussion with Utilities, School Boards, and other Potential Project Stakeholders: The EPA anticipates that applicants will need to provide documentation of coordination and communication with key project partners, such as school boards and utilities. 2. For applicants seeking to replace school buses, the EPA will provide a School Board Awareness Certification Template. An authorized representative, such as a superintendent or their representative, must sign the form to demonstrate that the school board is aware of the application and involved in the process of transitioning to a cleaner fleet. This documentation is not binding, meaning that applicants will not need to fully commit to proceeding with the potential new bus project prior to being selected for funding. 3. For applicants requesting battery-electric vehicles, the EPA will provide a Utility Partnership Template to demonstrate coordinating with their utility(ies). Planning for long-term infrastructure needs is important for project success. The EPA recommends that potential applicants identify their utility(ies) and begin coordinating and/or consulting with them on project feasibility including charging needs, upgrades needed, costs, rates for future service and the timeframe for necessary upgrades. This document is not binding, meaning that applicants do not need to complete a full utility analysis prior to being selected for funding. If you are unsure of your utility point of contact(s), then email CleanSchoolBusTA@nrel.gov to be connected to the appropriate point of contact at your electric utility. 4. Register with Grants.gov and SAM.gov: All EPA grant applications are submitted electronically to EPA through Grants.gov. The Grants.gov registration process requires that your organization have a Unique Entity Identifier (previously known as the DUNS number) and a current registration with the System for Award Management (SAM.gov); the process of obtaining both could take a month or more for new registrants. Potential applicants without a Grants.gov account are encouraged to initiate the Grants.gov registration process ahead of the release of the Notice of Funding Opportunity. Visit the CHDV Program webpage. Read the legislative text enabling this historic funding program. Contact VCC’s Alleyn Harned or Matt Wade for more information. [Content courtesy of the US EPA.] |