The 10th annual Green Transportation Summit & Expo (GTSE) is the region’s premier clean transportation convening event. There has not been a time when clean transportation has had as much potential. With this year’s theme of Reflecting + Refocusing on a Resilient Future, we are giving particular attention to recent events affecting our communities and livelihood. We will be creating space to ensure these critical topics are addressed.
The GTSE focuses on the clean fleet at the intersection of policy, technology, practice, equity, and the future of mobility with a regional focus and national lens.
Our partnership with the U.S. EPA’s West Coast Collaborative and Mobilize California Summit brings stakeholders key to reducing heavy-duty diesel reductions in significant fleets across the continent. Fleet technician training and general educational opportunities with information-packed sessions and seminars tailored to clean transportation professionals help ensure that our audience and the topics addressed are valuable, making this conference an essential event for regional and national stakeholders.
With over 500 in attendance, the Green Transportation Summit & Expo is the premier event for networking with leaders from across industries whom all share a passion for sustainability and transportation. The conference regularly hosts leaders from education, fleets, regulatory affairs, clean cities, engineering, environmental services, transportation, and operations. Don’t miss this opportunity to connect and join the conversation.
You can register early here: