RVCA working groups are where the rubber meets the road. They offer a space to spotlight top-priority issues such as energy, water infrastructure, transportation, or job creation. Working groups consist of cross-sector stakeholders coming together for partnership, peer-exchange, education, and capacity-building. Resilient Virginia has not defined a model for working groups to work under, rather, each group is led by a facilitator and they work together to decide what would be most beneficial for them. This could include things such as taking on a specific project, meeting monthly for peer-exchange, or bringing in expert speakers for training.
Location: Virtual, Zoom
Date: 11/20/2024 at 12-1pm
Registration: https://us06web.zoom.us/meeting/register/tZAlfu-tqDMtG9SpLI7PkH-4ckbjP3OoXX2J#/registration