Why Alternative Fuel Vehicles Still Make Sense

By Joseph Bebon

There’s no denying that many early alternative fuel adopters made the transition years ago because gasoline and diesel were much more expensive in comparison. Although anyone at the pump knows traditional transportation fuel prices have remained relatively low for a while now, what might be in store for gasoline and diesel costs in the near future? And, more importantly, why are fleets across the U.S. still switching to alternative fuels, such as natural gas or propane autogas?

Regarding the first ...

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Virginia Clean Cities 2018 Annual Operating Plan

This year VCC plans to advance five main goals in its annual operating plan; 1) Improve the Commonwealth’s air quality by increasing the reduction in gallons of gasoline equivalents and greenhouse gas emissions, 2) Hold events and raise awareness through outreach to reduce alternative fuel barriers year-round, 3) Serve in a leadership role for the deployment of the Commonwealth of Virginia’s ...

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Energy Dept. Offers Guidance for CNG Vehicle Maintenance Facilities

New resources from the U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) cover primary considerations and safety standards for compressed natural gas (CNG) vehicle maintenance facilities.

As the DOE explains in a Clean Cities blog, natural gas vehicles have maintained an impressive safety record since the start – in large part due to stringent industry codes and standards that have governed use of the fuel. CNG codes deal not only with the vehicles, but also with the design and use of vehicle ...

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Summary of the Alternative Fuel provisions of Tax Extender Act of 2017

On December 20, 2017 Senator Orrin Hatch introduced the S. 2256 Tax Extender Act of 2017. The following is a summary of the provisions pertaining to alternative fuels. All credits are made retroactive to 2017.

SEC. 303. Extension of credit for new qualified fuel cell motor vehicles. Extends the credit to December 31, 2018

SEC. 304. Extension of credit for alternative fuel vehicle refueling property. Extends the credit to December ...

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Roanoke adds electric cars to city’s fleet to replace gas guzzling sedans and SUVs

Roanoke officials are charged up about adding a dozen electric cars to the city’s municipal fleet, a move that the city says will reduce emissions and save money.

As the first phase of a pilot program, the city bought low-mileage used Nissan Leafs and made most of them part of a pool of vehicles that will be shared by city employees who in the past each had an assigned vehicle.

“It’s a different way to think about our vehicles and our fleet ...

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City of Danville may get four Nissan Leafs at no cost

Four electric cars used by Danville under an energy project have now become a permanent part of the city’s fleet.

Fermata Energy hopes to donate the four electric vehicles — 2015 or 2016 Nissan Leafs — and chargers to Danville as part of a requirement under a two-year research-and-development grant from the Virginia Tobacco Commission.

The two-year tobacco commission grant is coming to an end in May, and the city could end up getting the cars at no cost, Danville Utilities Director ...

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Electrify America Rolls Out Charging Infrastructure with Convenience Stores

We live in electrifying times.

By 2025, electric vehicles (EVs) will cost less to own than gasoline- and diesel-powered vehicles, according to Bloomberg New Energy Finance. By 2040, EVs will make up 58% of new-vehicle sales in the United States. These are a couple of the more aggressive projections, but regardless of the timeline, it’s hard to find a transportation outlook without electrification.

“When you see EVs and their potential, we have a chance to really change the industry forever,” says Mark ...

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