Alt Fuel Signage Policies and Programs in GA, KY, NC, SC, TN, and VA

The purpose of this report and its related activities is to clarify road signage procedures, take account of existing signage for stations offering alternative fuels, and coordinate activities to enhance alternative fuel signing opportunities for the motoring public. As part of the U.S. Department of Energy sponsored Alternative Fuel Implementation Team (AFIT) project led by the NC Solar Center/NC State University, ...

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July 2014 Question of the Month&#58 Propane Supply

Question of the Month: During the winter of 2013-2014, propane shortages and price spikes were widely publicized by news media, and some fleets reported difficulty getting propane for their vehicles. What really happened and what steps can propane fleets take to protect themselves from similar issues in the future?

Answer: Several factors contributed to the recent winter supply constraints and increased propane prices, including record low temperatures around the country (the 2013-2014 winter was almost 30% colder than the previous winter), increased rain fall ...

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Student Intern Position Opening

Are you a rising junior, senior, or graduate student looking for a paid internship for the 2014-2015 school year?
Come work with Virginia Clean Cities!

The Clean Cities University Workforce Development Program (CCUWDP) is an initiative of Clean Cities, a government-industry partnership sponsored by the U.S. Department of Energy’s Vehicle Technologies Program. Since the creation of the CCUWDP in 2010, Clean Cities has hosted more than 150 interns in more than 70 Coalitions.

The Clean Cities internship will give ...

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Alternative Fuels Tax Information

tax info

Virginia divides fuels into two categories: motor fuels and alternative fuels. Motor fuels include gasoline, diesel fuels, blended fuels, and aviation fuels. Alternative fuels are defined as a combustible gas, liquid, or other energy source that can be used to generate power to operate a highway vehicle and that are not motor fuels. Suppliers, importers, blenders, providers, retailers, and bulk users of alternative fuel are subject to taxes paid ...

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Virginia Alternative Fuel Maps: A GIS Based Analysis of Virginia’s Alternative Fuel Infrastructure


Virginia Clean Cities utilized U.S. Department of Energy Alternative Fuel Vehicle Station Locator data in partnership with the Clean Cities Workforce Development Program and the effort of Brandon Walraven to advance a series of alternative fuel infrastructure, production, and 2014 deployment maps.  These maps are intended for the purposes of development planning and analysis, and all information presented here is available ...

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Virginia Clean Fuels Partnership

The Virginia Clean Fuels Partnership support from 4-VA enabled James Madison University, Virginia Tech, and the University of Virginia to better work together on a future of sustainable federal grant opportunities from a range of federal agencies. By collaborating and acquiring an initial comprehensive inventory of ongoing programs and capacities, the consortium of universities will be able to advance collaborative or individual projects in the future with greater success. Meetings and collaborations served as intellectual and organizational catalysts for James ...

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Student Analysis of Electric Vehicle Charging at Universities

This student project discusses the feasibility of electric vehicle charging at James Madison University. The feasibility criteria studied includes technical requirements, infrastructure needs, user preferences, cost considerations, and institutional policies and constraints to perceive the use and effectiveness of an electric vehicle charger on campus. The methodology used was qualitative analysis of personal interviews with facilities and sustainability staff members at four ...

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What are the key terms to know when discussing biodiesel fuel, vehicles, and infrastructure?

It is important to know how to “talk the talk” when it comes to biodiesel and the associated vehicles and infrastructure. Becoming familiar with the terms below will help you better understand the fuel so you can ask the right questions and make informed decisions.


Biodiesel is a domestically produced renewable fuel that can be manufactured from vegetable oils, animal fats, or recycled restaurant grease. Biodiesel is considered an advanced biofuel under the Renewable Fuel Standard ( and is the ...

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NGV Expo and Conference Press Release


For Immediate Release
March 10, 2014

Beth Stockner
Virginia Oil and Gas Association

Michael Phillips
Virginia Clean Cities

Virginia Oil and Gas Association and Virginia Clean Cities to co-host first ever large scale Natural Gas Vehicle Expo and Conference in Virginia

RICHMOND – Major auto manufacturers Volvo, Honda and General Motors will be among those speaking at the 2014 NGV Expo and Conference to be held in ...

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A Guide to the Lessons Learned from the Clean Cities Community Electric Vehicle Readiness Projects

ev guideClean Cities is proud to announce the release of A Guide to the Lessons Learned from the Clean Cities Community Electric Vehicle Readiness Projects. Synthesizing reports from the 16 Clean Cities PEV readiness projects across the country, the Guide gathers together the most important conclusions and highlights illustrative examples.

To announce the report, Clean Cities published “Ten Ways Communities Can Pave the Way for PEVs” on ...

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