DOE contract Cummins, Inc. to develop Hydrogen-powered disaster relief vehicle

Cummins, Inc. federally funded $1 million for H2Rescue

In a joint operation between the DOE’s Office of Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy and the U.S. Department of Defense and Homeland Security, Cummins Inc. was awarded $1 million to create a government disaster relief vehicle that meets emergency field standards and uses an alternative fuel. In February 2020 the DOE began their search by issuing a solicitation for a capable manufacturer to create their relief vehicle. Through a competitive bidding ...

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Mid-Atlantic Nitrogen Oxide Reduction (MANOR) Project

MANOR logoThe Mid-Atlantic Nitrogen Oxide Reduction (MANOR) project will impact fleet vehicles that traverse major interstates linking along some of the nation’s most heavily traveled goods-movement truck routes; and operate within cities in the Region 3 states of Pennsylvania, Virginia, West Virginia, Delaware and Maryland. It is anticipated that this project will save over 468,423 gallons of diesel fuel per year and reduce existing emissions by approximately 35%. This project will ...

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Multi-Unit Dwelling Plug-in Electric Vehicle Charging Innovation Pilots in Multiple Metropolitan Areas

Virginia Clean Cities is providing technical assistance to the Center for Sustainable Energy on a project to address barriers to MUD and curbside residential PEV charging by engaging stakeholders across the country to determine barriers they experience, to augment the documented barriers, demonstrating innovative technologies that address the barriers, compiling project findings in an easy-to-use toolkit, and disseminating the Toolkit via national, regional, state, and local channels.

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Alternative Fuels Program Government Fleet Vehicle Incentive (CMAQ)

Project now accepting applications!

Alternative Fuels Program Government Fleet Vehicle Incentive (CMAQ)

State agencies and local governments in specific air quality non-attainment, ozone attainment and/or maintenance areas may be reimbursed for incremental costs to transition to alternative fuels such as natural gas or propane autogas. Reimbursements are up to an average of $10,000 for the incremental cost of new vehicles or reasonable aftermarket conversions.

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EV-WATTS (Electric Vehicle Widescale Analysis for Tomorrow’s Transportation Solutions) Project

Virginia Clean Cities is providing technical assistance to Clean Fuels Ohio and Energetics on a multi-year data collection and analysis project. The EV-WATTS program will collect data from EV charging stations and EV drivers. VCC will identify data partners, secure data commitments, assist in regularly collecting data, and gather supplemental information during the project. This is an ongoing project.

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Electrify Your Ride Program

VCC is providing technical assistance and dealership outreach to project partners on the EYR program.  This website is your go-to place for information on electric cars and to sign up for pre-negotiated discounts from local dealerships. The website provides information on why your next car should be electric and, when you’re ready, explore discounts on the latest models and get connected with the dealer(s) of your choice.

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Clean Fuels Transition Project

Virginia Clean Cities invites you to participate in Clean Fuels Transition Project. This goal of this one-year project to provide an analysis of your fleet’s fuel usage and compare it to an alternative fuel, such as electricity, to determine if there are any cost and/or emission reduction benefits.

This is an ongoing service and is provided to you free of charge.

VCC staff will work with you on collecting data on fuel usage and costs, and prepare a summary report on your ...

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Fuel Cell and Hydrogen Opportunity Center

VCC seeks to expand the domestic supply chain of components and systems necessary for the manufacture and scale-up of the supply chain by building and populating a comprehensive database and by driving U.S. companies to the site via an aggressive outreach campaign using trade association outreach, webinars, social media, and personal contact. This effort will advance hydrogen fuel cell suppliers in the transportation, utility, industrial, commercial, and residential sectors, with a focus on the transportation sector in fuel and infrastructure supply ...

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Clean Cities Coalition Support

VCC provides ongoing support to the U. S. Department of Energy’s local alternate fuels deployment and educational efforts. As an officially recognized coalition since 1996, Virginia Clean Cities coalition members displace tons of greenhouse gases each year millions of gallons of gasoline. The Virginia Clean Cities Coalition is supported by hundreds of local business and fleet partners who serve as stakeholder members. This is an ongoing project

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Virginia Port Authority Green Operator Program

The Virginia Port Authority and VCC are working together to reduce harmful diesel emissions in the Hampton Roads region. This project establishes a Green Operator Hotline that assists truck drivers with information on financing a drayage truck replacement. The program provides a $20,000 incentive towards the purchase of newer drayage trucks and up to $6,000 towards the purchase of a retrofit. VCC is assisting with program management, marketing and outreach. This is an ongoing project.

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