Free Webinar: Converting Biogas into Energy and Vehicle Fuel

Tuesday September 9, 2014 – Tuesday September 9, 2014

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Do you have a supply of biogas? If it’s not being turned into electricity, heat or vehicle fuel, it needs to be put to work! Our Sept. 9 webinar Converting Biogas to Energy and Vehicle Fuel will describe how sites around the world are converting biogas from wastewater treatment plants, industrial digesters and landfills into electricity, heat ...

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Making the Switch to Biodiesel

Biodiesel is a renewable alternative fuel created from vegetable oils, animal fats, and greases through a chemical process. Biodiesel can be blended at any percentage with petroleum for use in diesel engines (check engine warrantee for recommended blend levels). Biodiesel, which contains oxygen, burns cleaner than petroleum, reduces greenhouse gases (GHGs), and as approved as an advanced biofuel by the Environmental Protection Agency to meet the Renewable Fuel Standard, can ...

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February 4, 2008: Fuel Quality, Sustainability and Feedstocks (and Policy, Policy, Policy)

Monday Opening Session

The Monday morning general session began with Joe Jobe addressing the rumored 4,000-member audience (there were a lot of people, but I’m not sure it hit that mark) with a state of biodiesel discussion. Despite the huge industry success of biodiesel’s role in the new Renewable Fuels Standard and large gains in public awareness, he sees fuel quality, feedstock development, and sustainability as the three most pressing issues facing the biodiesel industry.

There was some talk about the Farm ...

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