Clean Vehicle Education Foundation, Virginia Clean Cities, Greater Washington Region Clean Cities Coalition, and the Maryland Clean Cities Coalition will co-sponsoring a workshop on natural gas for public and private fleets on Tuesday, August 30, 2011 from 8:15am-4:30pm at the Gaithersburg Marriot Washington Center in Gaithersburg, Maryland.
What you’ll learn
• Environmental, energy security and economic market drivers
• NGVs 101 basics review
• Best NGV applications and why
• Light-, medium- and heavy-duty vehicles available from OEMs and retrofit companies
• Fuel station design, development and ownership/operations options
• Federal and state tax credits, grants and other incentives
• NGV fleet operator experiences and tips
• Calculating fuel cost, simple payback and life-cycle savings
• Next steps in implementing a successful NGV program
Click on the following link for more details and for registration information: