Southeast Propane Autogas Development Program Request for Proposals

September 23, 2010

The following materials serve as an amendment to the original RFP for Virginia Fleets to participate in the Southeast Propane Autogas Development Program vehicle conversion grant.

1) Revised announcement material to includes a summary description.  Updated Va Fleet RFP Propane Vehicle Conversion Announcement

2) An optional RFP Project Narrative tool to assist in responses, and a separate document to discuss the benefits of using propane autogas as a vehicle fuel.  RFP Project Narrative Form VCC Propane Vehicle VA Fleets

The deadline for responses to the RFP is Thursday, September 30.

Virginia Clean Cities is seeking proposals from Virginia entities with road-ready fleets interested in converting some or all of their eligible gasoline vehicles to run on Propane/Autogas. This unique opportunity provides funding for fleets to cover the parts and labor for the conversion.

Updated Va Fleet RFP Propane Vehicle Conversion Announcement


Virginia Clean Cities is a statewide non-profit whose mission is to increase the use of cleaner domestic fuels, vehicles, and energy saving transportation technologies in order to improve air quality and health, reduce climate change, curb dependence on imported petroleum, and support Virginia’s economy.

The Southeast Propane Autogas Development Program (SEADP) is an existing Virginia Clean Cities project that is partially funded by a Department of Energy Clean Cities American Recovery and Reinvestment Act grant. The grant was awarded to the Virginia Department of Mines, Minerals, and Energy (DMME), and Virginia Clean Cities at James Madison University is the Principle Investigator. As a stipulation of this grant, a “total chain” of vendors must be used. For this project, this chain is comprised of the PRINS/American Alternative Fuels conversion kit, Alliance AutoGas Fueling contract either by Blossman Gas or other Alliance Autogas Partner, and specific conversion centers based on your area.

This special funding opportunity is available due to changes in scope or eligibility of existing partners. A summary of the project may be found at Both public and private entities may participate in this program.

Mandatory Requirements for Supplemental SPADP participants:

  • Fleet vehicles must have current EPA Certifications for propane operation. Current list may be found at
  • Entity must be doing business in good standing within the state of Virginia Entity must be clear of any liens or impending judgments
  • Project must be within the boundaries of the state of Virginia.
  • Vehicles must operate majority of time within Virginia.
  • Minimum match of 100%, or minimum per vehicle value of $5,8001
  • Fleet must have space for adequate fueling infrastructure, preferably public access
  • Conversions must be completed by the beginning of January 2011
  • Conversions must occur at certified conversion centers and fleets must work with VCC and certified conversion center to schedule conversions.

Type  of  Award  Instrument:
Virginia  Clean  Cities  at  James  Madison  University  anticipates  awarding  grants  under  this  program   announcement  to  cover  reimbursement  to  fleets  for  labor  to  complete  conversions.  Equipment  will   be  purchased  directly  from  manufacturer  by  Virginia  Clean  Cities  at  James  Madison  University.

Estimated  Funding:

The  funding  profile  consists  of  approximately  $314,925  or  funding  to  cover  the  conversion of  up  to  221  eligible  vehicles  with  a  minimum  of  five  vehicles  per  fleet.

Period  of  Performance: September  15,  2010-December  9,  2013

Selection  Criteria:

Petroleum  Displacement  Potential  (30%)

  • Annual fuel use per year by fleet and per vehicle proposed
  • Commitment to use propane autogas at least 85% of the time throughout the project period
  • Amount of annual and total project (4 years) petroleum displacement per federal dollar
  • Estimated % of time that propane is used
  • Age  of  fleet,  rotation  schedule  of  fleet  (preference  given  to  newer  vehicles)
  • Vehicles  are  currently  in  possession  and  operational

Ability  to  Begin  Project  Quickly  (30%)

  • Ability  to  turn  signed  sub-­‐agreements  around  quickly
  • Fleet  possession  of  vehicles  eligible  for  conversion  with  existing  EPA  certifications
  • Proposed  timeframe  for  project,  how  quickly  conversions  can  be  completed

Administrative  Capability  (20%)

  • Stability  of  general  business  model  and  company/organization  history
  • Ability  to  provide  accurate  fuel,  mileage,  and  maintenance  reports/fuel  tracking  systems  in   place  (i.e.  FuelMaster)
  • Ability  to  report  on-­‐time  throughout  project  period,  typically  quarterly
  • Commitment  from  fleet  to  become  a  VCC  stakeholder
  • Past  Experience  in  Managing  or  Participating  in  Federally-­‐Funded  Projects

Leverage  Potential  (20%)

  • Fleet  visibility  to  public
  • Ability  to  provide  a  fueling  location  that  allows  public  access

Instructions  for  Project  Narrative  File:

The  project  narrative  must  not  exceed  5  pages,  including  cover  page,  table  of  contents,  charts  graphs,   maps,  photographs  and  other  pictorial  presentations  when  printed  using standard 8.5″ by 11″ with  1  inch  margins,  and  single  spaces.  EVALUATORS  WILL  REVIEW  ONLY  THE  NUMBER  OF  PAGES   SPECIFIED  IN  THE  PRECEDING  SENTENCE.  The  font  must  not  be  smaller  than  11  point.  Do  not  include   any  internet  addresses  (URLs)  that  provide  information  necessary  to  review  the  application.

The  project  narrative  must  include:

  • Project  Objectives:  This  section  should  provide  a  clear,  concise  statement  of  the  specified   objectives/aims  of  the  proposed  project.
  • Selection  Criterion  Discussion:  This  section  should  be  formatted  to  address  each  of  the   selection  criterion  listed  above.  VCC  at  JMU  WILL  EVALUATE  AND  CONSIDER  ONLY  THOSE   APPLICATIONS  THAT  ADDRESS  SEPARATELY  EACH  OF  THE  SELCTION  CRITERIA.
  • Roles  of  Participants  and  Principle  Investigators:  This  section  should  describe  the  roles  and  the   work  to  be  performed  by  each  participant/investigator  and  how  the  various  efforts  will  be   integrated  and  managed.
  • Facilities  and  other  resources:  Identify  the  facilities  and  resources  that  are  directly  applicable   to  the  proposed  work.

Proposals  are due  August  27, UPDATE: DUE September 30, 2010 and  may  be  emailed  or  postal  mailed  to  the  following address:

Peter  Denbigh,  Assistant  Program  Manager
Virginia  Clean  Cities  at  James  Madison  University
MSC  4115   James  Madison  University
701  Carrier  Drive,  HHS  Room  0301
Harrisonburg,  VA    22807
P: 540.466.4510
F: 540.568.8933
Propane Autogas Fleet Benefits:
Propane Autogas Benefits Printable Document
Cost Benefits
Fleets that convert to AutoGas enjoy cost savings in three primary areas.

  • First, the parts and labor associated with converting each vehicle cost around $5,300.00 less any applicable tax credits – this is extremely cost-effective when compared to other conversion systems and especially when compared to the cost of purchasing new alternative fuel vehicles.
  • Second, propane costs less per gallon than gasoline, and its cost is far less volatile. In other words, fleets save on fuel costs and can expect more accurate budgeting and forecasting.
  • Third, propane is a cleaner, higher-octane fuel. This means less frequent oil changes and a generally longer engine life, so fleets save on upkeep and maintenance costs as well as on costs associated with vehicle downtime.

Environmental Benefits

Propane produces less greenhouse gas emissions and smog-producing hydrocarbons than gasoline. Converting a conventional gasoline vehicle to a propane AutoGas Hybrid using the Prins VSI system results in:

  • 28% reduction in Carbon Monoxide
  • 35.6% reduction in Hydrocarbons
  • 3.7% reduction in NOx
  • 16% reduction in Carbon Dioxide

Propane is non-toxic and insoluble in water, unlike gasoline, diesel, methanol and ethanol. In the event that a rare accidental leak should occur, propane would dissipate into the atmosphere with no harmful contaminants released into the air, soil or water. Our conversion system is EPA Certified for numerous commonly-used fleet vehicle makes and models.

Domestically Produced

90% of the propane used in the U.S. is produced domestically. 7% is imported from Canada and Mexico. The majority of the propane produced here in the U.S. is a byproduct of natural gas refining. This means that the gasoline gallons displaced by our fleet customers directly translate into lowered dependence on foreign oil.

Alliance AutoGas is ready to meet today’s transportation fueling challenges more cleanly and efficiently than virtually any other fuel available. There are many ancillary benefits when a fleet converts to AutoGas – from public awareness to providing one more alternative fuel station to the already strong nationwide fueling infrastructure. Each vehicle is another definitive step toward a fuel that is independent from environmental impact and foreign production.