Join us March 21-22 at the Virginia Beach Convention Center for the 10th annual Virginia Green Travel Conference & Awards event! Speakers will include Lily Shapiro, Director of Advertising at Mediabarn, Katie Register, Executive Director at Clean Virginia Waterways, and our very own Alleyn Harned, Executive Director at Virginia Clean Cities!
Paid registration is required before attendance, with early bird registration allowing prospective attendees to purchase tickets for $20 less than standard registration if purchased beforeMarch 7th! Additionally, student pricing is ...
Join us and featured speaker Steve McCoy, Vice President of Business Development at Blossman Gas and Appliance, on March 16th at 4:00 PM for the Virginia Clean Cities Technology Happy Hour. Steve will be joining us to talk about the benefits of propane auto-gas and renewable propane, highlighting the benefits of landfill diversion, reduced fleet costs and carbon reduction! During the session, we will also ...
The U.S. Department of Transportation has published a Notice of Funding Opportunity (NOFO) for $1.5 billion in grant funding through the Rebuilding American Infrastructure with Sustainability and Equity (RAISE) discretionary grant program for 2023. The popular program helps communities around the country carry out projects with significant local or regional impact.
RAISE discretionary grants help project sponsors at the State and local ...
The Hampton Roads Alliance is partnering with the electric commercial vehicle manufacturer, Lion Electric, to bring an electric vehicle “Ride and Drive” event to the Hampton Roads area. This event is organized specifically to encourage and allow representatives from local government institutions to learn about, test, and ride heavy-duty electric vehicles.
The Ride and Drive event will be held on Wednesday, February 1st at Military Circle Mall in Norfolk from 9:00AM to 4:00PM. The ...
Join us and Shankar Mukherjee, Vice President of Market Development and Product Management at Virginia Transformer Corporation, on February 16th at 4:00 PM for an in-depth conversation covering the theme “Implementing Next-Gen Smart and Efficient EV Charging Infrastructure!” Shankar will be discussing topics surrounding the effects of lead times on the transformer industry, whether there ...
On Nov. 30th, 2022 the Department of Energy (DOE) received funding through the Bipartisan Infrastructure Law to renew American’s schools within two areas of interest: energy efficiency and health improvements. The program aims to provide funding for public K-12 schools, ...
WASHINGTON, D.C. – The U.S. Department of Transportation (USDOT) today issued a Notice of Funding Opportunity (NOFO) announcing the availability of almost $2.3 billion in funding to expand and modernize intercity passenger rail nationwide through the Federal-State Partnership for Intercity Passenger Rail Grant Program (Partnership Program). Thanks to President ...
Following Russia’s invasion of Ukraine and its ensuing international energy crisis allowed for crude oil producers such as Chevron and Exxon to gouge gasoline prices. These higher prices led to record profits for oil corporations, with CBS News reporting that Exxon Mobil earned $112 billion in total quarterly revenue, double that of the previous year. They additionally report Chevron ...
The US market has access to all kinds of fuel types including natural gas, electric, bio-diesel, and gasoline. Renewable ethanol-gasoline is especially prevalent in the United States, with there being a few different variations of the fuel. Most ethanol-gasoline mixtures are ...
Has your company been hard at work to reduce its environmental footprint and a drive to preserve the our green and blue planet? Did you develop an effective technique to combat or reverse environmental damage? Do you want recognition for these achievements?
Consider applying for the 2023 Governor’s Environmental ...