Employer Considerations for Workplace Charging

Question of the Month: What factors do employers need to consider when establishing a workplace charging program?

While there is not a one-size-fits-all solution for workplace charging, there are a number of resources available to help employers design, implement, and manage the right program for their organization.

Assess Demand
Employers considering whether workplace charging is right for their organization will want to start by assessing employee demand with an employee survey (https://energy.gov/eere/vehicles/downloads/sample-employee-survey-workplace-charging-planning). Once this assessment is complete, employers may set goals ...

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Small Business Jobs Grant

The Small Business Jobs Grant Fund provides financial assistance to companies that are creating new jobs through expansion or start-up. The grants range anywhere from $500 to $2,000 per job created.

To qualify for the program, the company must be:

· A Manufacturer;
· A Distributor;
· A company involved in Research and Development;
· ...

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Aggregated Procurement Opportunity – Reduce AFV Costs

The Greater Washington Region Clean Cities Coalition, in collaboration with the Metropolitan Washington Council of Governments and the National Association of Regional Councils, is participating in a regional procurement initiative designed to consolidate bulk orders of alternative fuel vehicles and infrastructure to make their purchase more affordable. Known as “F4F” for Fleets for the Future, the goal of the program is to reduce the incremental costs of propane, electric, and natural gas powered vehicles and refueling and charging infrastructure. Local ...

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Millions in federal loans available for infrastructure

Monday, January 9, the U.S. Department of Energy’s Loans Program Office announced supplements to the existing Title XVII Innovative Clean Energy loan program (Title XVII) and clarifications to the Advanced Technology Vehicles Manufacturing (ATVM) loan program about the eligibility of alternative fueling infrastructure deployment and manufacturing.


Effective immediately, Title XVII, or Improved Energy Technology Loans, are available for eligible fueling infrastructure deployment projects, including the associated hardware and software, for hydrogen, electricity, natural gas, and biofuels.

In addition to providing loans ...

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Virginia Saves Funding available

Through the end of 2016, the Virginia SAVEs program closed six energy efficiency loans and saved borrower’s over $6 million in interest costs over the life of their project.

The program is still accepting new applications for projects in 2017. This is a great opportunity to significantly lower the borrowing cost to finance commercial scale energy efficiency, renewable energy, and alternative fuel projects in Virginia. Both private borrowers and local ...

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EPA Rebates Fund Clean School Buses in VA


The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) on 1/24/2017 the award of more than $7.7 million to replace or retrofit 401 older diesel school buses. Four Virginia localities received funds, including the transition to propane buses in Roanoke County Virginia. The funds are going to 88 school bus fleets in 27 states, each of which will receive rebates through EPA’s Diesel Emissions Reduction Act (DERA) funding. The new ...

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Virginia Volkswagen Mitigation Plan and Public Comment

from: http://townhall.virginia.gov/l/ViewNotice.cfm?GNID=648

On October 25, 2016, a Partial Consent Decree was finalized between the United States Justice Department, the Volkswagen (VW) Corporation, and its subsidiaries regarding the installation and use of emissions testing defeat devices in approximately 500,000 2.0 liter vehicles sold and operated in the United States beginning in 2009. Use of these defeat devices has increased air emissions of nitrogen oxide (NOX), resulting in adverse impacts to air quality and violating the federal Clean Air Act. NOX emissions ...

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Governor McAuliffe Unveils Energy Plan Update Highlighting Achievements in Virginia Energy Economy

~ Announcement coincides with installation of solar panels at six Albemarle County Public Schools ~

CHARLOTTESVILLE – Governor Terry McAuliffe today unveiled his update to the 2014 Energy Plan at a ribbon cutting for a new solar installation at Monticello High School in Albemarle County. The update, titled “Energy in the New Virginia Economy,” highlights the significant progress the McAuliffe administration has made on his strategic energy priorities to build a new Virginia economy. The event showcased the installation of solar ...

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Virginia Clean Cities Strategic Plan

In 2012, Virginia Clean Cities developed a strategic plan to align attention to three guiding initiatives to help ensure long-term success and sustainability. The three initiatives are: 1) Programs and Technical Solutions: We will provide the best project management, information and analysis, and forums to develop integrated and leveraged solutions to current transportation energy challenges. 2) Financial Sustainability: We will achieve ...

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