Virginia Clean Cities’ DC Fast Charger Deployment Project 2014-15

Virginia Clean Cities and its private sector partners undertook a project to deploy six DC Fast chargers in 2014. By the end of August 2015, the project successfully found site hosts and deployed 21 DC Fast chargers throughout Virginia. This report examines this project and sheds light on the processes and challenges of installing a publicly-available DC Fast charger.

To view this report, ...

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Alt Fuel Signage Policies and Programs in GA, KY, NC, SC, TN, and VA

The purpose of this report and its related activities is to clarify road signage procedures, take account of existing signage for stations offering alternative fuels, and coordinate activities to enhance alternative fuel signing opportunities for the motoring public. As part of the U.S. Department of Energy sponsored Alternative Fuel Implementation Team (AFIT) project led by the NC Solar Center/NC State University, U.S. ...

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Alternative Fuels Tax Information

tax info

Virginia divides fuels into two categories: motor fuels and alternative fuels. Motor fuels include gasoline, diesel fuels, blended fuels, and aviation fuels. Alternative fuels are defined as a combustible gas, liquid, or other energy source that can be used to generate power to operate a highway vehicle and that are not motor fuels. Suppliers, importers, blenders, providers, retailers, and bulk users of alternative fuel are subject to taxes paid ...

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Virginia Alternative Fuel Maps: A GIS Based Analysis of Virginia’s Alternative Fuel Infrastructure


Virginia Clean Cities utilized U.S. Department of Energy Alternative Fuel Vehicle Station Locator data in partnership with the Clean Cities Workforce Development Program and the effort of Brandon Walraven to advance a series of alternative fuel infrastructure, production, and 2014 deployment maps.  These maps are intended for the purposes of development planning and analysis, and all information presented here is available ...

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Virginia Clean Fuels Partnership

The Virginia Clean Fuels Partnership support from 4-VA enabled James Madison University, Virginia Tech, and the University of Virginia to better work together on a future of sustainable federal grant opportunities from a range of federal agencies. By collaborating and acquiring an initial comprehensive inventory of ongoing programs and capacities, the consortium of universities will be able to advance collaborative or individual projects in the future with greater success. Meetings and collaborations served as intellectual and organizational catalysts for James ...

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Student Analysis of Electric Vehicle Charging at Universities

This student project discusses the feasibility of electric vehicle charging at James Madison University. The feasibility criteria studied includes technical requirements, infrastructure needs, user preferences, cost considerations, and institutional policies and constraints to perceive the use and effectiveness of an electric vehicle charger on campus. The methodology used was qualitative analysis of personal interviews with facilities and sustainability staff members at four ...

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Charging Your Electric Car From Clean Renewable Energy

Clean Car Charging

The Virginia Center for Wind Energy and Virginia Clean Cities created a model to examine the costs and benefits of different transportation options with fossil and renewable fuels. This study is intended to illustrate the economic and environmental benefits of EVs, especially those charged using renewable energy sources.

To view this report, please click here or the image on the right.

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Making the Switch to Biodiesel

Biodiesel is a renewable alternative fuel created from vegetable oils, animal fats, and greases through a chemical process. Biodiesel can be blended at any percentage with petroleum for use in diesel engines (check engine warrantee for recommended blend levels). Biodiesel, which contains oxygen, burns cleaner than petroleum, reduces greenhouse gases (GHGs), and as approved as an advanced biofuel by the Environmental Protection Agency to meet the Renewable Fuel Standard, ...

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REVi Electric Vehicle Readiness Plan

Adoption of electric vehicles (EVs) is becoming a reality in the Richmond Region and throughout the Commonwealth of Virginia. Virginians spend $13 billion each year on petroleum for transportation. Electricity represents a less expensive, cleaner, and locally generated energy source that also contributes to new economic advantages. The energy industry research group PRTM Management Consultants has estimated that vehicle electrification could ...

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Propane Autogas Police Cars

In a world with rising gas prices, it may not seem surprising that many people are now considering the use of alternative fuels as a solution. What may surprise you is that propane, chemically the same propane used in grills, is the leading alternative fuel worldwide. However, when propane is used in a vehicle, it is often referred to as propane ...

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