Propane Autogas Fleet Case Study: Carroll County, Georgia

The Carroll County Sheriff’s Office in Georgia began researching options for alternative fuels because major fluctuations in gas prices were drastically hindering their operations. “We were tired of being at the mercy of gas prices, which were continually causing budget problems and affecting our entire fleet and department,” said Carroll County Sheriff Terry Langley. “In one month, our gasoline prices went ...

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Propane Autogas Fleet Case Study: Spotsylvania County, Virginia

Craig Greenlaw, Director of Fleet Services for Spotsylvania County, said reducing greenhouse gas emissions and fuel costs has been a priority for the county’s 1,200-vehicle fleet. “We chose propane autogas for our fleet vehicles because of the win-win aspect: fuel savings and reduced emissions,” said Greenlaw. “Autogas burns cleaner than gasoline, and we’re saving money with every mile the autogas vehicles travel, compared to our gasoline vehicles.” In early 2011, Spotsylvania ...

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Site Design for Electric Vehicle Charging Stations

This report was prepared to highlight best practices for designing electric vehicle (EV) charging stations. Now that communities are ramping up with installations of EV supply equipment, designers are encountering a host of design issues that are generating creative solutions and mistakes. This report is intended to be used by persons who are responsible for safe and convenient design of EV charging ...

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Propane Autogas Fleet Case Study: City of Newport News, Virginia

The City of Newport News in Virginia, named one of America’s Top 50 Green Cities by Popular Science Magazine, is committed to implementing environmentally and economically sustainable practices to enhance quality of life for current and future residents. As part of the city initiative, Newport News Vehicle Services Director Bob McElheney says he is always looking for ways to reduce vehicle emissions and fuel costs. When McElheney first learned about the environmental and cost-savings benefits of autogas, he knew that ...

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Siting Electric Vehicle Charging Stations

Conventional vehicles have a wide network of gas stations to keep fueled. What do electric vehicles need to ensure comparable predictability? This reports offers guidance on how, where to install equipment to keep electric vehicles powered up and running reliably, and describes three levels of equipment that will be used to charge battery-powered electric vehicles. All three levels, from Level 1 electric vehicle supply equipment to DC fast chargers, ...

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EV Charging Stations for Persons With Disabilities

As our nation develops a network of EV charging stations, we must include access for persons with disabilities and comply with the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA). To ensure businesses have resources on proper ways to install charging stations with access for all users, including those with disabilities, Clean Fuels Ohio and Virginia Clean Cities have released this report. Many current ...

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Omni Richmond Hotel Case Study

The Omni Richmond Hotel has installed the first charging station at a hotel in Richmond. The $2,000 charging station installed at the Omni Hotel has already paid for itself in revenue generated by guests that have selected the hotel based on access to an electric vehicle charging station during their stay. In addition to successfully generating revenue, the Omni Richmond Hotel ...

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Richmond CNG Case Study

As part of the Green Richmond Initiative, the City of Richmond’s Department of Public Utilities and VCC launched a CNG project. The Green Richmond Initiative was launched by the City of Richmond to build on its past efforts and implement new programs to further Mayor Dwight C. Jones’ triple bottom line goals of sustainability. The project has fostered a more efficient ...

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Business Case for CNG in Chesapeake Virginia Municipal Fleet

The City of Chesapeake, Virginia has 53 vehicles and is considering converting them to use CNG. This case study is an economic assessment that was done for a potential future projects. Specific variables for the locality were considered, such as purchasing schedule specific fleet costs and vehicle miles traveled. This document establishes a feasibility scenario for CNG usage in the municipal ...

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