Technology Happy Hour: EVNoire and Guidehouse

On March 17th, 2022, EVNoire and Guidehouse joined Virginia Clean Cities for the Technology Happy Hour to highlight the Dominion Smart Charging Infrastructure Pilot Program.

Speakers included:

  • Dr. Shelley Francis, Co-Founder and Managing Partner, EVNoire
  • Mariah Stanley, Manager Mid-Atlantic/NE Region, EVNoire
  • Shaun Caldwell, Associate Director, Guidehouse

During the session, Shaun gave an overview of the SCIP program. If you are a Dominion Energy customer in Virginia interested in workplace or transit charging, the SCIP program can help you make an easy transition ...

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DOT Releases Information on Rural Surface Transportation Grant Program

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Watch Secretary Buttigieg announce the release of the Multimodal Projects Discretionary Grant with White House Senior Advisor & Infrastructure Implementation Coordinator Mitch Landrieu

Earlier today transportation Secretary Pete Buttigieg announced $2.9 billion of funding is now available for major infrastructure projects through a combined Notice of Funding Opportunity (NOFO) under President Biden’s Bipartisan Infrastructure Law. Combining three major discretionary grant programs into one  Continue Reading →

EPA DERA Program continues to Drive Down Diesel in Virginia

The EPA’s Diesel Emissions and Reduction Act awarded over $15 million in school bus replacement funding throughout the United States in 2021. The most recent round of rebates awarded $1.53 million across multiple school districts in Virginia to support the transition to propane and battery-electric school buses. Of those funds, $900,000 has been awarded to Petersburg City Public Schools for Electric School Buses. Here are the awarded districts ...

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Shifting the Transportation Paradigm – How Electric Car Sharing Programs are Expanding Equity and Accessibility to EV Technology

Greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions from transportation account for 29% of total U.S. emissions making the transportation sector the largest contributor of GHGs.  Electric vehicles (EVs), along with other alternative fuels, provide important pathways to reducing emissions that impact our climate and health, however cost and access to EVs and charging infrastructure are challenges, especially ...

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Technology Happy Hour: Cummins New Power

On February 17th, 2022, Wido Westbroek, Senior Director of Fuel Cell Strategic Projects for Cummins was the featured speaker for the Virginia Clean Cities Technology Happy Hour. Wido, along with support from Anne Oluyombo and Kevin Shaw on the Cummins team, joined Virginia Clean Cities to talk about the great work being done with battery-electric, fuel cell, and hydrogen-production technologies.

Cummins has been a giant in the transportation field for more than 100 years and the Cummins New Power team ...

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SCC Invites Public Comment on Virginia’s Transportation Electrification

In 2021, Virginia Clean Cities participated in the Virginia State Corporation Commission’s (SCC) first-ever Transportation Electrification Stakeholder Process. A series of five virtual meetings were convened featuring electric utilities, non-profit organizations, state agencies and other EV stakeholders in Virginia.

The process was established by House Bill 2282, which also directs the SCC to “submit a report to the General ...

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U.S. DoT Charging Forward Rural EV Infrastructure Funding Matrix now available

This matrix is a list of Federal programs that can fund rural electric vehicle infrastructure, sorted alphabetically by agency. The matrix notes the type of EV activities that are eligible for funding under different programs, as well as the eligible entities.

The matrix will be expanded in future updates of this toolkit to reflect new programs in the 2021 Bipartisan Infrastructure Law.

Access ...

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