Statement on Virginia's Hybrid Vehicle Fees

The Governor has made his amendments to the transportation funding bill (HB 2313) and if approved, Virginia will soon have the nation’s only explicit hybrid vehicle tax and one of the country’s highest electric vehicle registration fees. This comes at a time when Virginians are paying record fuel prices and transitioning away from foreign oil is more important than ever.  While the Governor’s final amendments to the transportation bill are welcome and the reduction in the hybrid fee from $100 ...

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Alternative Fuel Vehicle Workshop

Have you been meaning to learn more about alternative fuel vehicles and whether or not they can save money for your organization? If so, we invite you to participate in informative and timely workshop on Tuesday, 9 April at the Virginia Military Institute in Lexington.

The agenda is loaded with champions and practitioners from across Virginia who will share their experience from the driver’s seat. Whether your organization is just beginning to explore the options, or is already on the road ...

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Compressed Natural Gas Training and Certification Class

Interested in receiving comprehensive CNG certification and training? TFC Recycling and Virginia Clean Cities are happy to announce a comprehensive class that will equip you with the knowledge and credentials necessary to successfully implement CNG vehicles and fueling with your fleet!

The 5-day class will be from April 29th to May 3rd in Chesapeake VA. Interested fleets can enroll for $1000 per student. Virginia Clean Cities stakeholders will be offered a $50 discount. Also, any organization that brings 3 or more ...

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Question of the Month Related to Alternative Fuel and Vehicles

Question of the Month: Where can I find information specific to alternative fuel and advanced vehicles in Virginia?

Answer: The Alternative Fuels Data Center (AFDC) State Information portal (, one of the many resources found on the AFDC Tools page (, is a great source for state-specific information on alternative fuels and advanced vehicles. Each state page is a “one stop shop” with specific information about incentives and laws, locations of alternative fueling stations, truck ...

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Press Release VA E85 Openings

Jan. 24, 2013


CONTACT: Michael Phillips
(804) 482-1790

Amber Thurlo Pearson
(573) 268-6853

First Public E85 Pumps Come to Richmond, Va., Area
Richmond and Wash., D.C. Suburbs Get 3 E85 Pumps

RICHMOND — Ethanol – E85 – has reached two new milestones on the East Coast. Today the Richmond, Va., area gets its first public E85 stations, and MAPCO Express, Inc.’s East Coast convenience stores open their first E85 locations under the “East Coast” brand. With two new E85 stations ...

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Question of the Month “fiscal cliff” legislation related to alternative fuels and advanced vehicles

Question of the Month: What provisions in the enacted “fiscal cliff” legislation relate to alternative fuels and advanced vehicles?

Answer: On January 2, 2013, President Obama signed Public Law 112-240, the American Taxpayer Relief Act of 2012. In addition to averting tax rate increases and postponing government spending reductions, this legislation extends several tax credits and other incentive programs related to Clean Cities portfolio items. Updated information on these incentives is available on the Alternative Fuels Data Center (AFDC) Federal Laws ...

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Clean Cities Question of the Month: Vehicle Fuel Economy Ratings

Question of the Month: How are vehicle fuel economy ratings determined? What factors impact fuel economy?

Answer: Vehicle fuel economy is tested under controlled conditions using a standardized test procedure. Original equipment manufacturers (OEMs) are required by federal law to test at least one representative vehicle for each light-duty model and must report the results to the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA). EPA reviews the results and confirms about 10% to 15% of ...

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