2022 Fuel Economy Guide

The 2022 Fuel Economy Guide is out!

The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) and U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) produce the Fuel Economy Guide to help car buyers choose the most fuel-efficient vehicle that meets their needs. The Guide is available on the web at fueleconomy.gov.

The purpose of EPA’s fuel ...

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SCC Invites Public Comment on Virginia’s Transportation Electrification

In 2021, Virginia Clean Cities participated in the Virginia State Corporation Commission’s (SCC) first-ever Transportation Electrification Stakeholder Process. A series of five virtual meetings were convened featuring electric utilities, non-profit organizations, state agencies and other EV stakeholders in Virginia.

The process was established by House Bill 2282, which also directs the SCC to “submit a report to the General Assembly, ...

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U.S. DoT Charging Forward Rural EV Infrastructure Funding Matrix now available

This matrix is a list of Federal programs that can fund rural electric vehicle infrastructure, sorted alphabetically by agency. The matrix notes the type of EV activities that are eligible for funding under different programs, as well as the eligible entities.

The matrix will be expanded in future updates of this toolkit to reflect new programs in the 2021 Bipartisan Infrastructure Law.

Access funding ...

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Technology Happy Hour: Lonestar Specialty Vehicles

On January 20th, 2022 Chas Mease, EV Fleet Sales for Lonestar Specialty Vehicles was the featured speaker for the Virginia Clean Cities Technology Happy Hour. 

Lonestar Specialty Vehicles, with 24 full-service dealerships across the country, manufactures turnkey electric vehicle solutions for the commercial vehicle market. Lonestar’s terminal tractors (also known as shunt trucks, spotter trucks, yard trucks, yard shifters, yard dogs, yard goats, yard horses, yard birds, yard jockeys, hostlers, or mules) improve productivity, reduce ...

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JMU Issues Rideable Contracts for EV Chargers

In a pioneering effort for the Commonwealth of Virginia, James Madison University has issued contracts for electric vehicle service equipment (EVSE). Five state contracts are now live on JMU’s contract management system. These contracts allow other public universities, state agencies and local governments to purchase EVSE through the rideable (or cooperative) contracts.

The five contracts with pricing and technical specifications can be viewed online here. Both Level 2 charging and direct current fast charging (DCFC) options are available in ...

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EV Charging Initiative Summit: Partnering to Make an Impact

Wicked is a word often used to describe the sustainability challenges facing us.  Installing a national network of EV chargers and making historic changes in behavior in a short amount of time to meet critical climate targets is a wicked sustainability challenge. However, the EV Charging Initiative understands what it will take to get us there: Collaboration.

Collaboration was a word often ...

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Energy Independence Summit 2022: The Nation’s Premier Clean Transportation Policy Summit

This exciting annual event provides a unique opportunity for Clean Cities Coalitions and leaders in the clean transportation industry to build partnerships with each other, and with key Congressional and Biden Administration decision-makers in Washington, DC. Our 2022 event will feature opportunities to:

  • Learn the latest information about the tens of billions of dollars the federal government will invest ...
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An Easy Way to Achieve Your New Year’s Resolutions – Stop Idling

If your new year resolution involves improving your health and saving money which, by the way, are two of the top 10 new year’s resolutions, why not make an anti-idling pledge to help you on your way!  

Each year in the United States idling from personal vehicles wastes 3 billion gallons of fuel and generates 30 million tons of Carbon dioxide.  Eliminating unnecessary idling could be the same as taking 5 million cars off the road!  

Reducing idling is not only good ...

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EPA Finalizes Greenhouse Gas Standards for Passenger Vehicles, Paving Way for a Zero-Emissions Future

EPA Press Office (press@epa.gov)

WASHINGTON (Dec. 20, 2021) – Today, the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) is finalizing the most ambitious federal greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions standards for passenger cars and light trucks ever. The final standards, for Model Years (MY) 2023 through 2026, leverage advances in clean car technology to unlock $190 billion in net benefits to ...

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