Where the Rubber Meets the Road: Tire Strategies to Save Fuel

What vehicle tire strategies and technologies are available to save fuel?

It’s easy to understand why tires are essential to a vehicle, but tires also play an important role in your vehicle’s fuel economy. Tires affect resistance on the road and, therefore, how hard the engine needs to work to move the vehicle. By maintaining proper tire inflation or investing in low rolling resistance or super-single tires, you can improve your vehicle’s fuel economy. Whether you drive a light-duty (LDV) or ...

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Alternative Fuels Tax Information

tax info

Virginia divides fuels into two categories: motor fuels and alternative fuels. Motor fuels include gasoline, diesel fuels, blended fuels, and aviation fuels. Alternative fuels are defined as a combustible gas, liquid, or other energy source that can be used to generate power to operate a highway vehicle and that are not motor fuels. Suppliers, importers, blenders, providers, retailers, and bulk users of alternative fuel are subject to taxes paid ...

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Welcome and opening remarks: 8am 2/16

The full conference kicked off this morning with a welcome and a series of presentations and comments from the Renewable Fuels Association and the EPA. We heard from RFA President and CEO Bob Dinneen that the state of the ethanol industry is strong, that 10.6 billion gallons were produced last year, and that there is a lot of work remaining for this industry to take advantage of opportunities ahead. Dinneen’s energetic recounting of ethanol industry growth ...

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The Smart Grid

By Alleyn Harned | January 27, 2010 at 12:21 PM EST |

There was a great morning session on the technologies and policies needed for effective management of electric power and electric fueling. The panel identified vehicle electrification as the prime appliance driving the smart grid. Again, the panel stressed open standards for charging and information management, and advancing intelligent communication with the grid from square one. As technology advances we can move from a binary smart grid to a granular ...

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