Technology Happy Hour: Rappahannock Electric Cooperative

On July 22nd, 2021, Joyce Bodoh of the Rappahannock Electric Cooperative was the featured stakeholder for the Virginia Clean Cities Technology Happy Hour.

During the session, Joyce discussed REC’s residential charging program and their activities with workplace charging. She also provided some basic background about EVs including current barriers, the status of EVs in Virginia, and the solutions that REC sees for a path forward. 

You can view the recording and learn about REC and EVs here or on our YouTube ...

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Lion Electric Tours Virginia

In June of 2021, Lion Electric hosted a series of electric school bus demos across the Commonwealth, showing off their product in a variety of geographies. This demonstration tour took the bus from Northern Virginia to the mountainous South West of the Commonwealth, before heading east to conclude their trip in Virginia’s Tidewater region.

Lion Electric’s demo bus in South Western Virginia

During ...

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Technology Happy Hour: In-Charge Energy

On June 24th, 2021, Van Wilkins of In-Charge Energy was the featured stakeholder for the Technology Happy Hour.

During the session, Van discussed the intricacies of AC and DC charging. He outlined how the two technologies work, when each application is most beneficial, and what the future of charging will look like, including a hint at the exciting megawatt charging standards in development.

You can view the recording and learn about electric vehicle charging infrastructure and what charging options may be right ...

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Technology Happy Hour: Roush CleanTech

On June 10th, 2021, we welcomed former Virginia Clean Cities executive director Chelsea Jenkins as our featured stakeholder for our Technology Happy Hour! Since departing VCC, Chelsea has been a part of the Roush CleanTech team where she is now the Vice President of Government & Industry Relations. She is also the Vice President of Virginia Clean Cities’ board of directors!

During this session, Chelsea discussed the wide range of services and products Roush and Roush CleanTech has to offer. They ...

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Technology Happy Hour: Dominion Energy

On May 27th, 2021, we welcomed Dominion Energy as our featured stakeholder for our Technology Happy Hour! 

During the session, Dominion Energy’s Electrification Manager Kate Staples discussed Dominion’s Smart Charging Infrastructure Pilot and opportunities for transit authorities looking to electrify their fleets.

You can view the recording and learn about electric vehicle charging infrastructure and the information and incentives Dominion has to offer here or on our YouTube channel

Download the 2024 Virginia Clean Cities Event Calendar by Jorden McLean


Virginia Clean Cities
1401 Technology Drive
MSC 4115
Harrisonburg, VA 22807

(540) 568-8896 phone
(540) 568-5181 fax
